Tips To Dress Perfectly For Work

Dressing appropriately for work is important for a professional. Planning work wardrobe is not a tedious task when you know the right tricks. If you are not aware of these simple tricks, follow the tips below to look perfect everyday at work:


1. Wear Tailored Clothing
Tailored clothing always looks better. Baggy and loose clothes are a big no-no for a formal wardrobe. Choose work dresses that fit well and made from fabric that do not crease easily.

2. Color and Patterns
Conservative colors and fabrics remain a standard in business attire for women but that does not restrict you from being creative with clothes. Wear dark gray or navy pants and suits with bright jackets or cardigans.

3. Pants and Suits
Stick to tailored pants with a crease. Khaki, twill, and corduroy are good fabric choices for business casual. Make sure pants are clean, pressed, and wrinkle-free. The hem should cover the ankle but not the floor.


4. Skirts and Dresses
For skirts apart from colour and pattern, right length is critical. If your skirt has a slit, it should be small, centered in the back, and no higher than the back of your knee. High slits in skirts are never appropriate. Most importantly, the skirt should not restrict your movement while walking or climbing stairs.

5. Shirts and Sweaters
The first rule that must adhere to women’s work shirts and blouses is, never expose cleavage. Blouses should be tailored and coordinate with the rest of your outfit. Accessorize them with a beautiful piece of neck piece to accentuate the look.

Follow these above simple tricks and look fabulous all day long.

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